The Gender Equality Index :

In accordance with the 5 September 2018 French law on the freedom to choose one’s future career and its 8 January 2019 implementing decree, Juva Santé Laboratories publishes, as it does every year, their professional gender equality index.

The index is composed of a primary indicator to measure existing pay gaps and three additional indicators.

Laboratoires Juva Santé obtains the maximum amount of points for 3 out of the 4 indicators:

  • Gender pay gap: 37 points out of 40
  • Gender individual raise gap: 35 points out of 35
  • Percentage of employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave: 15 points out of 15
  • Gender distribution among the 10 highest paid: 10 points out of 10.

On 1 March 2022, the Juva Santé Laboratories gender equality index was 97 points out of 100.